Fantastic Mr Kang
Yesterday was a very big day for our 13 month old Mr Kang. For those of you that have been following his training progress you will be pleased to know that he went on his first off farm half day experience trek yesterday. Mr Kang has only ever done the 1 hour on farm treks round our woodland but coped extremely well on his first venture off farm on a 2 hour trek.
I am so proud of him, although he had a little moment where he hid behind my shoulder for reassurance he soon felt at ease with his surroundings. He was faced with unusually long grass, strange noises, cows, on coming traffic and even the bright lights of someone doing a bit of welding in a field. Because he was taken out with two of our more experienced trekkers; Nappa and Grappa, he soon realised that all these things did not faze the older boys and that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Here are a few photos of his first day out off the farm. Next week I am hoping to take Mungo out on his first big boy trek, I am sure he will be just as brave.