Lollipop and Nikki’s first trek
Well who ever said female llamas are only good for motherhood was wrong!! … A lot of people think that it is just the boys that can trek, this is definitely not the case.
Since I have been working at Catanger, Mary and I have been training last years babies for trekking. Mr Kang and Mungo, the two boys and Lollipop and Nikki the two girls. They are exactly the same age and have had both the same amounts of training. Mr Kang and Mungo have been out with the public and have been doing the on farm treks with us now and today was the girls turn.
The girls were very well behaved and leading beautifully, even though they went out with some of the older entire and gelded males. This didn’t seem to bother them, although Barnaby did a get a little excited to see them, but soon got over himself once the trek started. It just shows the females can do just as much as the males. It was very interesting for me to work with both males and females to see the difference in behaviour and temperament and actually Lollipop and Nikki were more behaved and well mannered than all of them and are ready to now go out with our customers on the on farm treks. Well done girlies… Can’t wait to train Ollie, Quinn and Ryan next year!